Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The top lies men and women tell each other on social medium

1. 'Nothing's wrong, I'm fine'
2. 'Oh, this isn't new, I've had it for ages'
3. 'It wasn't that expensive'
4. 'It was on sale'
5. 'I'm on my way'
6. 'I don't know where it is, I haven't touched it'
7. 'I didn't have that much to drink'
8. 'I've got a headache'
9. 'No, I didn't throw it away'
10. 'Sorry, I missed your call' 


1. 'Nothing's wrong, I'm fine'
2. 'This will be my last drink'
3. 'No, your bum doesn't look big in that'
4. 'I had no signal'
5. 'My battery died' 
6. 'Sorry, I missed your call'
7. 'I didn't have that much to drink'
8. 'I'm on my way' 
9. 'It wasn't that expensive' 
10. 'I'm stuck in traffic'
'Nothing's wrong, I'm fine' came in as the number one lie for both men and women, however female lies appeared to skew more towards purchases, where as male lies seemed to relate more to communication,
'Oh, this isn't new, I've had it for ages', 'it wasn't that expensive' and 'it was on sale' made up the next three top lies for women - each covering for their shopping habits.

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