Saturday 23 July 2016

The Top 10 Things Everyone Needs To Know In Life that makes you stronger

What are the top 10 things we need to know in life? “Life is short, you need to…blah blah blah….” I knew this already, anything I haven’t been informed yet? Justin Freeman got us an answer on Quora: 1. Realize that nobody cares, and if they do, you shouldn’t care that they care. Got a new car? Nobody cares. You’ll get some gawkers for a couple of weeks—they don’t care. They’re curious. Three weeks in it’ll be just another shiny blob among all the thousands of others crawling down the freeway and sitting in garages and driveways up and down your street. People will care about your car just as much as you care about all of those. Got a new gewgaw? New wardrobe? Went to a swanky restaurant? Exotic vacation? Nobody cares. Don’t base your happiness on people’s caring, because they won’t. And if they do, they either want your stuff or hate you for it. 2. Some rulebreakers will break rule number one. Occasionally, people in your life will defy the odds and actually care about you. Still not your stuff, sorry. But if they value you, they’ll value that you value it, and they’ll listen. When you talk about all of those things that nobody else cares about, they will look into your eyes and consume your words, and in that moment you will know that every part of them is there with you. 3. Spend your life with rulebreakers. Marry them. Befriend them. Work with them. Spend weekends with them. No matter how much power you become possessed of, you’ll never be able to make someone care—so gather close the caring. 4. Money is cheap. I mean, there’s a lot of it—trillions upon trillions of dollars floating around the world, largely made up of cash whose value is made up and ascribed to it, anyway. Don’t engineer your life around getting a slightly less tiny portion of this pile, and make your spirit of generosity reflect this principle. I knew a man who became driven by the desire to amass six figures in savings, so he worked and scrimped and sacrificed to get there. And he did… right before he died of cancer. I’m sure his wife’s new husband appreciated his diligence. 5. Money is expensive. I mean, it’s difficult to get your hands on sometimes—and you never know when someone’s going to pull the floorboards out from under you—so don’t be stupid with it. Avoid debt on depreciating assets, and never incur debt in order to assuage your vanity (see rule number one). Debt has become normative, but don’t blithely accept it as a rite of passage into adulthood—debt represents imbalance and, in some sense, often a resignation of control. Student loan debt isn’t always avoidable, but it isn’t a given—my wife and I completed a combined ten years of college with zero debt between us. If you can’t avoid it, though, make sure that your degree is an investment rather than a liability—I mourn a bit for all of the people going tens of thousands of dollars in debt in pursuit of vague liberal arts degrees with no idea of what they want out of life. If you’re just dropping tuition dollars for lack of a better idea at the moment, just withdraw and go wander around Europe for a few weeks—I guarantee you’ll spend less and learn more in the process. 6. Learn the ancient art of rhetoric. The elements of rhetoric, in all of their forms, are what make the world go around—because they are what prompt the decisions people make. If you develop an understanding of how they work, while everyone else is frightened by flames and booming voices, you will be able to see behind veils of communication and see what levers little men are pulling. Not only will you develop immunity from all manner of commercials, marketing, hucksters and salesmen, to the beautiful speeches of liars and thieves, you’ll also find yourself able to craft your speech in ways that influence people. When you know how to speak in order to change someone’s mind, to instill confidence in someone, to quiet the fears of a child, then you will know this power firsthand. However, bear in mind as you use it that your opponent in any debate is not the other person, but ignorance. 7. You are responsible to everyone, but you’re responsible for yourself. I believe we’re responsible to everyone for something, even if it’s something as basic as an affirmation of their humanity. However, it should most often go far beyond that and manifest itself in service to others, to being a voice for the voiceless. If you’re reading this, there are those around you who toil under burdens larger than yours, who stand in need of touch and respect and chances. Conversely, though, you’re responsible for yourself. Nobody else is going to find success for you, and nobody else is going to instill happiness into you from the outside. That’s on you. 8. Learn to see reality in terms of systems. When you understand the world around you as a massive web of interconnected, largely interdependent systems, things get much less mystifying—and the less we either ascribe to magic or allow to exist behind a fog, the less susceptible we’ll be to all manner of being taken advantage of. However… 9. Account for the threat of black swan events. Sometimes chaos consumes the most meticulous of plans, and if you live life with no margins in a financial, emotional, or any other sense, you will be subject to its whims. Take risks, but backstop them with something—I strongly suspect these people who say having a Plan B is a sign of weak commitment aren’t living hand to mouth. Do what you need to in order to keep your footing. 10. You both need and don’t need other people. You need others in a sense that you need to be part of a community—there’s a reason we reflexively pity hermits. Regardless of your theory of anthropogenesis, it’s hard to deny that we are built for community, and that ‘we’ is always more than ‘me.’ However, you don’t need another person to make your life have meaning—this idea that Disney has shoved through our eyeballs, that there’s someone out there for all of us if we’ll just believe hard enough and never stop searching, is hokum… because of arithmetic, if nothing else. Establish your own life—then, if there’s a particular person that you can’t help but integrate, believe me, you’ll know.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

The top lies men and women tell each other on social medium

1. 'Nothing's wrong, I'm fine'
2. 'Oh, this isn't new, I've had it for ages'
3. 'It wasn't that expensive'
4. 'It was on sale'
5. 'I'm on my way'
6. 'I don't know where it is, I haven't touched it'
7. 'I didn't have that much to drink'
8. 'I've got a headache'
9. 'No, I didn't throw it away'
10. 'Sorry, I missed your call' 


1. 'Nothing's wrong, I'm fine'
2. 'This will be my last drink'
3. 'No, your bum doesn't look big in that'
4. 'I had no signal'
5. 'My battery died' 
6. 'Sorry, I missed your call'
7. 'I didn't have that much to drink'
8. 'I'm on my way' 
9. 'It wasn't that expensive' 
10. 'I'm stuck in traffic'
'Nothing's wrong, I'm fine' came in as the number one lie for both men and women, however female lies appeared to skew more towards purchases, where as male lies seemed to relate more to communication,
'Oh, this isn't new, I've had it for ages', 'it wasn't that expensive' and 'it was on sale' made up the next three top lies for women - each covering for their shopping habits.

8 ways you can make long distance relationships work for you

Brandy once sang a song "this long distance relationship is killing me" and she couldn't have said it any better. Truth be told most of these so called long distance relationships are just cold and do not work out in the end. But there is hope that it can work if you do any or all of the things I listed on this article to keep the passion burning.

Most people are scared of a long distance relationship, but sometimes a long distance relationship can even work better than a close distance relationship; it just depends on both couples ability to stay true and committed to each other.

A long distance relationship shouldn’t be as scary as it seems, I would give you an eight step guide which can help you manage your distance relationship better.

1. PLAN AHEAD - How can we make this work for us?

This is where couples get it wrong; whenever a reason to be separated by distance comes up, they sit and sob rather than make plans of what lies ahead. Whenever your man or lady gets that transfer and promotion, plan ahead on what to do to keep the relationship moving; draw up a guide that would suit each other, and it just might not be painful as you think. The fact is, couples who don’t anticipate changes when in a long distance situation break up way more often than couples who plan ahead on handling the situation.

2. LITTLE DETAILS MATTER - Yeah share that moment you slipped on a banana peel

It would shock you that little details are what keep a distant relationship moving. No detail is too little to talk about when your partner is far away; this would maintain that passion in the relationship and make you fond of each other; it would almost be as if no one left.

3. SEE IT AS AN OPPORTUNITY - An opportunity to test true love

Any relationship that can stand the test of togetherness while far away would most definitely pass through so many other relationship tests. Couples should learn to see distance as a test that they must pass rather than see it as a temptation that would destroy their relationship.

4. PICTURES ARE IMPORTANT - A picture is worth a thousand words

There are so many online medium that can be used to share pictures; long distanced couples should make sure to use this medium to their advantage. Sometimes pictures can pass messages words won’t pass; pictures can create memory, pictures can put a smile on one’s face, pictures have it all. Be sure to share pictures regularly, it keeps memories in check.

5. CREATE MORE MEMORIES - In any way possible have some Skype moments and the likes

The previous tip talks about how pictures create memories; more memories can as well be created; you can play games online, video chat, share in each other’s world, talk about special moments as well, relive every moment and be happy.

6. CONSTANT COMMUNICATION - This sums up the last two points

It doesn’t go without saying how important constant communication helps a close by relationship talk more of a distance relationship. How often you communicate with each other would go a long way in determining how solid the relationship would remain.

7. BUILD ON THE POSITIVES - When you focus on the positive, your energy will flow through it

Yea, long distance can be quite frustrating but rather than focus on the negatives, focus on the bright side. When you groan more of how lonely you are, you would only keep getting lonely; rather than groan and complain, share more about your passion with your partner, and with this days would look like hours and months would be mere days.

8. MAKE IT WORK - Just make it work

You have heard people saying that in order for something to work for you, you must make it work. No magic formula will do this but an intentional investing in your relationship

Maintaining a long distance relationship may not be easy but it isn’t impossible either so do your part to make yours a success.\

10 reasons why he dumped you and moved on to another woman

Have you ever wondered why a man would work so hard to get a lady, promise her the world, treat her like a queen, and then when he gets her — he treats her the same way for a while — just for a while, and then it seems like the law of diminishing marginal utility begins to step — in the sense that the more he sees that same woman he once adored, the lesser he wants to be with her; and just before she knows it, another lady becomes the apple of his eyes.

dumpgirls_hpImage by Cosmopolitan Magazine

What’s the cause of this most times? Why do a lot of men keep playing this scene over and over again?

Well, let’s find out some reasons why:


When a man sees a beautiful woman, he craves for her, he feels like she’s just almost perfect — and that’s the first real problem. When he then gets her and finds she’s just like every other human, with her flaws too, he could get disenchanted and leave if he sees another woman that might satisfy his illusion.


This is one usual scenario, but most times ladies don’t know when it happens to them. Some honest facts about men are: the fact he treats you like a queen doesn’t mean you’re his queen, the fact he says he loves you don’t actually mean he does, and the fact you think you guys are in a relationship don’t mean you are in a relationship. So in this situation, you never had him, even though you thought you did; so leaving you for another woman would always come up in this situation.


How many men have loved a woman sincerely for who she is, but then couldn’t keep up with her naggings, complaining, anger, pride, jealousy, esteem issues and a whole lot? A lot of men have been through this, and in the long run, it builds a certain irritation in him. At this stage, it’s easy for him to find solace in another woman, and it wouldn’t come as a surprise if he leaves for her.


Some ladies think it’s their birth right to rain down on any soul, friends or strangers. Come on, no man would find that trait attractive. That attitude isn’t ladylike and won’t get you a good man.


When a man isn’t ready, he isn’t ready, and there is little to nothing you can do about that. For a man that’s scared of commitment, when he sees the relationship is getting too serious, he might bail — for no other reason but for the fear of commitment, and he might move to one who isn’t ready to commit.


In this situation, the lady doesn’t even need to do anything wrong, but the man would just know that he doesn’t really have a future with her; he cares about her but doesn’t see a future with her, so he’s only serious with her just for the moment, till he sees the woman that matches who he wants to have a future with.


Sometimes it’s changes in the woman that causes withdrawal from the man; in the sense that she stopped doing what she used to do when they started dating, or she stopped being who she used to be. The lady might not even be aware of this, but the man would deem it that she’s changing for the worse. Not every man knows how to really communicate with his partner, and if he’s that type of man, withdrawing from that woman would be his next step.


A loss of attraction accounts for a major reason why a man leaves his lady for another. Attraction and a loss of it accounts for what draws a man to a woman and also what takes him away. When he’s attracted to you, your company is usually cherished, but the moment he starts losing that attraction, it could be for another person.


Some ladies think that a man needs to skin himself off just to show how much he loves you and in this case I mean money-wise. When you keep demanding that 5 star service for everything you want from a man he fins every reason to run away from you. A man needs a woman who is gonna help him build his life and finances not destroy them.


Believe it or not but just as you ladies think of a guy and his friends, so does he think of yours. If all your friends are living the fast lane route (you know what I mean), a guy will assume you do the same things and will not commit to you. Like they always say, birds of a feather flock together.


Whenever you save energy, you not only save money, you also reduce the demand for such fossil fuels as coal, oil, and natural gas. Less burning of fossil fuels also means lower emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary contributor to global warming, and other pollutants.
You do not have to do without to achieve these savings. There is now an energy efficient alternative for almost every kind of appliance or light fixture. That means that consumers have a real choice and the power to change their energy use on a revolutionary scale.
The average American produces about 40,000 pounds of CO2 emissions per year. Together, we use nearly a million dollars worth of energy every minute, night and day, every day of the year. By exercising even a few of the following steps, you can cut your annual emissions by thousands of pounds and your energy bills by a significant amount!
Home appliances

  1. Turn your refrigerator down. Refrigerators account for about 20% of Household electricity use. Use a thermometer to set your refrigerator temperature as close to 37 degrees and your freezer as close to 3 degrees as possible. Make sure that its energy saver switch is turned on. Also, check the gaskets around your refrigerator/freezer doors to make sure they are clean and sealed tightly.
  2. Set your clothes washer to the warm or cold water setting, not hot. Switching from hot to warm for two loads per week can save nearly 500 pounds of CO2 per year if you have an electric water heater, or 150 pounds for a gas heater.
  3. Make sure your dishwasher is full when you run it and use the energy saving setting, if available, to allow the dishes to air dry. You can also turn off the drying cycle manually. Not using heat in the drying cycle can save 20 percent of your dishwasher's total electricity use.
  4. Turn down your water heater thermostat. Thermostats are often set to 140 degrees F when 120 is usually fine. Each 10 degree reduction saves 600 pounds of CO2 per year for an electric water heater, or 440 pounds for a gas heater. If every household turned its water heater thermostat down 20 degrees, we could prevent more than 45 million tons of annual CO2 emissions - the same amount emitted by the entire nations of Kuwait or Libya.
  5. Select the most energy-efficient models when you replace your old appliances. Look for the Energy Star Label - your assurance that the product saves energy and prevents pollution. Buy the product that is sized to your typical needs - not the biggest one available. Front loading washing machines will usually cut hot water use by 60 to 70% compared to typical machines. Replacing a typical 1973 refrigerator with a new energy-efficient model, saves 1.4 tons of CO2 per year. Investing in a solar water heater can save 4.9 tons of CO2 annually.

  6. Home Heating and Cooling
  7. Be careful not to overheat or overcool rooms. In the winter, set your thermostat at 68 degrees in daytime, and 55 degrees at night. In the summer, keep it at 78. Lowering your thermostat just two degrees during winter saves 6 percent of heating-related CO2 emissions. That's a reduction of 420 pounds of CO2 per year for a typical home.
  8. Clean or replace air filters as recommended. Energy is lost when air conditioners and hot-air furnaces have to work harder to draw air through dirty filters. Cleaning a dirty air conditioner filter can save 5 percent of the energy used. That could save 175 pounds of CO2 per year.

  9. Small investments that pay off
  10. Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs for your most-used lights. Although they cost more initially, they save money in the long run by using only 1/4 the energy of an ordinary incandescent bulb and lasting 8-12 times longer. They provide an equivalent amount of bright, attractive light. Only 10% of the energy consumed by a normal light bulb generates light. The rest just makes the bulb hot. If every American household replaced one of its standard light bulbs with an energy efficient compact fluorescent bulb, we would save the same amount of energy as a large nuclear power plant produces in one year. In a typical home, one compact fluorescent bulb can save 260 pounds of CO2 per year.
  11. Wrap your water heater in an insulating jacket, which costs just $10 to $20. It can save 1100 lbs. of CO2 per year for an electric water heater, or 220 pounds for a gas heater.

  12. Use less hot water by installing low-flow shower heads. They cost just $10 to $20 each, deliver an invigorating shower, and save 300 pounds of CO2 per year for electrically heated water, or 80 pounds for gas-heated water.

  13. Weatherize your home or apartment, using caulk and weather stripping to plug air leaks around doors and windows. Caulking costs less than $1 per window, and weather stripping is under $10 per door. These steps can save up to 1100 pounds of CO2 per year for a typical home. Ask your utility company for a home energy audit to find out where your home is poorly insulated or energy inefficient. This service may be provided free or at low cost. Make sure it includes a check of your furnace and air conditioning.

  14. Getting around
  15. Whenever possible, walk, bike, car pool, or use mass transit. Every gallon of gasoline you save avoids 22 pounds of CO2 emissions. If your car gets 25 miles per gallon, for example, and you reduce your annual driving from 12,000 to 10,000 miles, you'll save 1800 pounds of CO2.

  16. When you next buy a car, choose one that gets good mileage. If your new car gets 40 miles per gallon instead of 25, and you drive 10,000 miles per year, you'll reduce your annual CO2 emissions by 3,300 pounds.

  17. Reduce, reuse, recycle
  18. Reduce the amount of waste you produce by buying minimally packaged goods, choosing reusable products over disposable ones, and recycling. For every pound of waste you eliminate or recycle, you save energy and reduce emissions of CO2 by at least 1 pound. Cutting down your garbage by half of one large trash bag per week saves at least 1100 pounds of CO2 per year. Making products with recycled materials, instead of from scratch with raw materials, uses 30 to 55% less for paper products, 33% less for glass, and a whopping 90% less for aluminum.

  19. If your car has an air conditioner, make sure its coolant is recovered and recycled whenever you have it serviced. In the United States, leakage from auto air conditioners is the largest single source of emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which damage the ozone layer as well as add to global warming. The CFCs from one auto air conditioner can add the equivalent of 4800 pounds of CO2 emissions per year.

  20. Home Improvements.

    When you plan major home improvements, consider some of these energy saving investments. They save money in the long run, and their CO2 savings can often be measured in tons per year.
  21. Insulate your walls and ceilings. This can save 20 to 30 percent of home heating bills and reduce CO2 emissions by 140 to 2100 pounds per year. If you live in a colder climate, consider superinsulating. That can save 5.5 tons of CO2 per year for gas-heated homes, 8.8 tons per year for oil heat, or 23 tons per year for electric heat. (If you have electric heat, you might also consider switching to more efficient gas or oil.)

  22. Modernize your windows. Replacing all your ordinary windows with argon filled, double-glazed windows saves 2.4 tons of CO2 per year for homes with gas heat, 3.9 tons of oil heat, and 9.8 tons for electric heat.
  23. Plant shade trees and paint your house a light color if you live in a warm climate, or a dark color if you live in a cold climate. Reductions in energy use resulting from shade trees and appropriate painting can save up to 2.4 tons of CO2 emissions per year. (Each tree also directly absorbs about 25 pounds of CO2 from the air annually.)

  24. Business and community
  25. Work with your employer to implement these and other energy-efficiency and waste-reduction measures in your office or workplace. Form or join local citizens' groups and work with local government officials to see that these measures are taken in schools and public buildings.

  26. Keep track of the environmental voting records of candidates for office. Stay abreast of environmental issues on both local and national levels, and write or call your elected officials to express your concerns about energy efficiency and global warming.

Tuesday 25 August 2015


How would you like to take movie clips, music and GIFs to create a mashup video of content you know and love?
A new mobile app called Trio allows you to do just that.
Launched in spring 2015, Trio provides content from movies, iTunes, Instagram, Vine, Giphy and the web that can be used to create a 30-second video.
Jen Schonberger, an incoming freshman at Northwestern University, says she thinks the app is a great idea because of the volume of the available content as well as the creative possibilities.
“Social media has become something entertaining and almost addictive in a lot of teenagers’ lives — from Instagram to Vine,” she says. “That’s why it’s really cool that Trio combines so many of these things into one app.”
Ashley Leonard, a recent graduate of Temple University, says she loves the app and used it to make a going-away video before her move to California.
“I think it’s definitely one of the first apps to allow people to actually make mashups on their own without using iMovie or things that are more complicated. It’s really simple.”
Trio has users create a brief profile, which allows them to follow other users, comment on projects and share videos. The home screen is a sliding feed of videos that can be “liked” or “passed,” which helps ensure the user gets tailored content, says Trio CEO Misha Leybovich.
“It tends to be very topical about the things you’re interested in, whether it’s One Direction, the Cleveland Cavaliers or baby goats,” he says. “We’re really focused on not the things you do, but rather the things you love.”
For the video aficionado, Trio allows you to use your own content too. But the app’s intent is to take the difficulty out of making mashup videos by providing third-party content to its users.
The app also has a system of checks and balances to mitigate copyright infringement concerns.
“For every piece of media, we show you who made it, we show you where it came from, and we give you a link to that original source,” Leybovich says. “We’re actually trying to drive more traffic and sales for them while empowering the fans.”
Leybovich says the relationship between original content and a small remix of it on Trio is a win-win for everybody, pointing out that 35% of the people who tapped on the iTunes link made a purchase.
“Content owners and brands are realizing that you want to be remixed,” he says. “That sampling ends up being very beneficial for the content owners.”
Schonberger says that remixing is popular right now because when people laugh or get excited about something they see on social media, it’s cool to apply it to their own lives.
“If there’s a song that I really like and my favorite movie scene, it’s cool that I can combine the two together,” she says. “It’s also fun to make remixes for other people and just be able to be creative so easily.”
Leybovich says the Trio team is currently working on refining category and search features, sourcing more content and improving the overall experience. use the link below to download app to your mobile device

Saturday 27 June 2015

WE asked 25men what they find irresistible in women and these is what they said

Girls, take note…here’s the lowdown on what makes a woman irresistible to men:
1) “For me, I find a woman irresistible when she smiles. A fantastic smile is something that is hugely underrated. A smile that lights up the room or someone else’s heart.”
2) “I suppose I’ve always been into girls that are laid back and are willing to go with the flow. Sometimes it can just be a joy to chill with a pint of ice cream and watch some trashy tv, or to take a nice walk in a park. I could never see myself with someone that doesn’t appreciate a simple date. Some girls expect the sun moon and the stars every day and night, and after a while it gets tiring. All of the above, and a nice smile goes a long way in my book.”
3) “For me the girls I find irresistible are those who have an air of “I don’t care”, the ones who you can just chill with, are down to earth and are always game for trying something new (no not like that!). Long sun bleached, wavy hair, tanned skin, gorgeous eyes and an infectious smile and laugh…that’s the perfect girl right there. I don’t want dresses, heels and make up – I want a barefoot beauty who has a real passion for life.”
4) “Attainability. That’s not to say women in relationships/married. But a woman in demand will always peak another guys interest. I think that’s a very natural instinct in all men, primal even. Having said that though, me personally, being attractive only gets you so far. Driven women, ones with goals who actively pursue them. That’s sexy. To me anyway.”
5) “If a woman can make me laugh, has good self-awareness in the way that she accepts her flaws and is open-minded to different views and opinions and has an ass you can grab on to.”
6) “For me, a good sense of humor is irresistible. Not a woman that can crack funny jokes or one-liners, but someone that can participate and enjoy the back and forth of a humorous exchange or revel in observing the odd things that happen all around us.”
7)“That perfect balance between intellect, classiness and sheer out-of-this-world good looks! For me I love a girl with great legs / bum, slender build, and ideally a brunette in the region of 5’6 to 5’10!!!!”
8) “Cute, genuine, fun, kinda dorky, yet sexy. Also confidence is sexy, driven, motivated but not arrogant, they should also smell nice, like chocolate chip cookies, super brightly colored bras are also awesome, like purple or fluorescent green!”
9) “For me it’s the small things/mannerisms: smile, laugh, if she puts her hand through her hair, dress style, close with her family, similar backgrounds or interests.”
10) “A girl that’s intelligent and can keep a conversation going on several different topics over the course of an evening. Looks are great, and personality is important, but there’s nothing sexier than a really intelligent girl.”
11) “What makes women irresistible to men: well for me, I find the ordinary a bit boring. An irresistible woman to me is someone who is adventurous, passionate, intelligent, funny, one never to shy away from new experiences and one who isn’t afraid of fooling herself once in a while. I guess its the whole manic pixie complex thing but perhaps with more intelligence.”
12) “I think there’s the “I want what I can’t get” mentality to it all. For guys, if a girl is slightly stand-offish and disinterested, that only seems to heighten the sense of attraction, you know? As I’ve said in the past, irresistibleness = 50% attraction, 25% chemistry, 25% timing.”
13) “Well, she has to be funny and can take a joke, can give as good as she gets, smart, cute, kind and honest, and makes you want to better yourself each day.”
14) “She definitely can hold her own in conversation. She can be comfortable with my friends too. She must be able to take a joke and not take things too seriously. A bit of fun. Matching underwear when it matters! BIG TIME. She is ultimately irresistible when wearing my work shirt or sports shirt. Irresistibility from a guys perspective is often going to be about what she does physically. So biting her lip and acting in a naughty, playful manner is definitely going to be impossible to resist.”
15) “Quality of conversation. I enjoy talking to women who can make me laugh and find me funny but are also capable of holding an intelligent conversation. Shared interests are not essential but I am a firm believer that, if the ‘spark’ is there, mutual passions are almost contagious. It is also important to me that she places importance in looking after herself. What I do not find very attractive is the whole ‘I’ll get away with what I can whilst I’m young’ mentality. Nutrition is a big interest of mine (definitely NOT to the point of orthorexia) so I would hope that said female would be keen on taking the messages on board. Physically, I do not have a ‘type’ to speak of. However, I am a sucker for a girl who holds herself elegantly (i.e. walks with good posture and dresses nicely). A couple of my friends already know this about me but I bloody lovely a pencil skirt. On women. Not to wear myself.”
16) “I would say that a quirky personality to make her interesting. Natural beauty without make up. And not clingy at all that she still retains her independence and we each do our own stuff.”
17) “Confidence / Perspective. In my eyes nothing attracts me more than confidence. And that’s not arrogance. But it has to be genuine. Acting headstrong at work only to crumble when you get home isn’t that great. I reckon another quality I look for is a self-deprecating sense of humour. Someone you know that while loads of things wind us up, they can still take a step back and laugh. Intelligence is big, as to an extent are looks (we’re only human afterall), but without the other two it wouldn’t matter!”
18) “I guess every guy will have a different response to this question, and suppose it is not only down to the kind of guy being asked, but how he is feeling at that point and what stage of his life he is at. For example if you are hungry and you fancy something savoury, then a nice sweet cake will be very easy to pass up, but if you are in the need for a sugar rush then that cake will all of a sudden seem much more appealing. And if you’ve been starving in the desert for weeks on end then you would eat pretty much anything, if you catch my drift. This is sad but unfortunately true in my experience with my mates. However there are certain things I see in a woman that no matter what I am looking for in life or a woman I will find irresistible and inevitably will end up doing anything for!
1. The way a woman “wears” herself – By this I mean the way she holds herself, the way she moves, the confidence she has in herself. Now I don’t mean some cocky “I’m sexy and I know it” bitch that belongs on some trashy reality TV show. I mean just a subtle air of self-content, one she just knows about and doesn’t feel she has to prove or shout about! Generally this starts with a smile!
2. The way she responds and treats you – She has to be kind and responsive. She has to be giving you some of the right signals, but not too much of the come on. The old adage “If it’s easy anyone could do it” She has to let you know subtly that she might be open to you. But also on the same hand be somewhat of a challenge.
3. She has to be have a direction in her life, in whatever it is she does she has to have a drive and a passion. Something a little deeper than “I like strictly come dancing” She has to have interests that show this passion for life.
4. Be able to Laugh!
5. Most important of all, it’s about the energy, the way it feels being near her, the way she makes you feel. Her essence, what energy she effervesces. Good happy and positive vibes.”
19) “So I would say Miss Irresistible has two different faces. There’s the sexually irresistible girl and the irresistible girl you want to date. Usually the sexually irresistible girl you find at a bar/club/somewhere at night that’s dressed to kill with the body to go with it, makes a lot of eye contact with smoldering eyes and definitely shows a lot of skin. But she has mystique. She doesn’t say too much — body language is a big part of it. The irresistible girl you want to date, on the other hand, swings more to the moral side, dare I say more virginal (seeming) than her smoldering alter ego. Buuuuut sometimes they can be one in the same, and that’s what you call a KEEPER.”
20) “An irresistible woman is understanding, has a good sense of humour, is a good cook, outgoing, funny and has the same interests.”
21) “Beautiful on the inside and the outside but I like to be friends with the girl first and get to know her personality and if she laughs at my humour and is kind, I find that really irresistible.”
22) “Ambition and intelligence. Smoking good looks too but that’s a given.”
23) “For me its a meeting of minds…not having lots in common as that’s boring but rather somebody who makes you think and challenges your brain…not talking about arguing but rather intelligent conversation.”
24) “What makes a woman irresistible to men? Simple, a grasp of the human condition that extends above and beyond: it tastes better if it’s stolen. We live in a growing age of female empowerment and equality, so if you want to taste my food that I’m enjoying, go and buy your own. Oh and by the way, it’s not cute, its theft.”
25) “I’m personally attracted to natural beauty, strong personality, confident body language and values, sexual chemistry/adventure as well as the right amount of ‘touchy feely.’ If a girl is the shy and retiring type, I’m probably not the guy to coerce her wild side. She needs to confident in most situations, from asking for directions or for the best things to do on holiday, to suggesting positions or being playful in the bedroom. Sexual chemistry is only great if it leads somewhere otherwise the irresistible will quickly become the irritable. She would have strong values and show care and empathy for her family and those around her. She would be adventurous and curious, showing curiosity makes me curious…a natural beauty shouldn’t be neglected. I don’t like the fake eyelashes and orange make-up look either, makes me think that if she has a wash it may reveal a monkey. Something in between is best. A woman who takes pride in her appearance but not obsessed…”
So there you have it ladies – most guys aren’t looking for a pneumatic Barbie girl lacking a mind of her own. Instead, they are looking for a funny, sexy, confident, independent and intelligent girl who has ambition and is brave enough to pursue her goals in life. A nice smile and natural beauty came up a lot, as did stimulating conversation and someone who is easy-going and fun, as well as being a challenge. No one wants a high maintenance princess, instead they just want a girl they can relax and enjoy life with.