Monday 15 June 2015

First Dinner Date Rules All Girls Must Swear By

Your first date is undeniably a very important event that you cannot take lightly. It is what that decides the future of your relationship with your date. So, it automatically becomes quite important for you to make it unmistakeably smooth. So, if you two are going out on the classic dinner date, make sure it is an unforgettable experience for you both. And to make it such, here are some must have do’s and don’t’s that girl must follow religiously if you want to get it perfectly right.
First Dinner Date Rules All Girls And Guys Must Swear By


1. Wear comfortable yet nice and chic clothes.

Decide your look depending upon the venue. You don’t have to look like a diva but fresh and presentable.

2. Put your phone away.

Your date shouldn’t feel you are more interested in texting somebody than talking to him face to face.

3. Offer to pay the bill.

It is only too refreshing for a girl to not expect the guy to settle all the bills. Offer to pay or at least split the bill and actually mean it. And if he insists on paying himself, which is most likely the case, then offer to pay for your next destination that could be movies or a round of drinks etc.

4. Do speak up.

The very purpose of a dinner date is to give you two a common pleasurable platform to talk over and know each other. So, instead of being too obsessed about your smudging lipstick with every morsel, strike and hold a conversation with him.


1. Don’t be late for your date.

It is one of those things that will put your date’s mood off before the date even commences. A few minutes is acceptable but don’t turn it into hours.

2. Don’t be a fussy eater.

It would be disrespecting to your date to not eat much or to leave food unnecessarily. You don’t have to eat a truck-full but you must eat normally. Not eating will neither make you appear thinner or prettier nor will it impress your date.

3. Don’t take advantage of your date’s generosity.

Ordering the most expensive dish or drink on the menu is not an effective way to say ‘I’m not a gold digger’. Be considerate and order as per your liking or what you may have ordered when you would be paying.

4. Don’t forget to thank him for the date especially if he paid for the food.

It is general manners plus it is the time when you may decide upon a second date and/or exchange numbers.

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